Cleaning with vacuum is used for storage tanks, crawl spaces, silos and wells, among other things. For vacuum cleaning, we work with powerful vacuum trucks with an air displacement of 3,200 to 10,000 m3 per hour. The vacuum trucks are equipped with a low-pressure pump and the necessary water supply for cleaning crawl spaces and pits.

We clean tanks and silos with dry matter with an air displacement unit. This installation is equipped with dust filters and a vacuum pump with a capacity of 10,000 m3 per hour.

With our combi-vacuum trucks we clean sewer systems, gullies, but also chemical sewers, cooling water pipes and transport pipes. We use special nozzles with a working pressure of 1,000 bar to clean extremely polluted sewers and transport pipes.
Traning/ Certifications/ Learning
There are 2 types of staff doing suctioning/discharging/transport:
Pressure/vacuum pump operators
Staff certified to work under compressed air
The qualification for pressure/vacuum operators (including handing air displacement units) is a training focused on the pressure/vacuum equipment and materials suctioned and transported by this type of unit. When it comes to air displacement, a special emphasis is put on explosion risks.
Staff qualifications for pressure/vacuum operators
Additional requirements for transport
In addition a driver needs an ADR training for transports of dangerous goods on the European roads. ADR is a European agreement.
MCS Cleaning developed a very strong training and development culture. Over the past years we have trained a large number of high pressure operators and high pressure water jetters. This does not only include the mandatory exams but especially the practical skills. The continuous training and development of our team is a top priority and ensures us retaining the high safety and quality standards for the long run.
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High-pressure cleaning
is perfect when you are looking for the customized solution aimed at cleaning tanks, pipelines, and sewers
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Our lean organization structure and strong industry contacts assure a cost-efficient and durable treatment of your waste flow
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We offer a wide range of additional services such as manual cleaning, flushing, transport, storage, and automated boiler cleaning
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